Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is for the exclusive use of this website only.

We value your privacy while you visit our website, provide information, avail our rental services and interact with the content, products or services on our site. Except as this Policy, we do not disclose your personal or sensitive personal information to any third party without your express consent and therefore, we set out the detailed policy below and your use of this website signifies your acceptance of this Privacy Statement.


The website is governed in accordance with the laws of Emirates of Dubai and the applicable federal laws of UAE.

Information Collected

We collect your ‘personal information’ which helps us personalize and improve our services, assisting sellers, third party affiliates or operators to provide you with uninterrupted timely services, process payments, update our records and interact with you on a continuous basis. ‘Personal information’ according to Data Protection laws of Dubai would include any information available or likely to be available to the website and is ‘any information relating to an identifiable natural person’.  The law also protects “sensitive data” such as information about a person’s political affiliation or racial identity.

Types of Information Collected

While availing our services, users may be needed to register on our website or fill out a form requesting technical assistance or IT services. For such purposes, the website collects Information which may be classified as follows:

Personal Information varying from your Name, Contact Address, Postal Code, Email Address, Phone number, Credit Details, Job & affiliated Company details and such other information may be actively collected during the registration process or through e-mails prompting you to subscribe for our services. We collect information which is essential for improving the performance of our services. If you do not want to receive e-mail or other mail from us, you may adjust your Customer Communication Preferences. We may collect sensitive personally identifiable information on your consent and follow the disclosure requirements as is elaborated in the policy.

Information automatically collected

We may collect the domain name and Internet Protocol address (IP) to understand the usage of our website and for other legal/administrative compliances. Such information is not linked to any personal or sensitive information collected and hence may be retained in our records for necessary future references. We may do an internal behavioural study of our users/frequent visitors to better understand and protect them. Such information is compiled and disbursed in an aggregated manner even to the third party.

Certain information may be collected passively through tracking/ data navigation etc assuming an implied consent on your part without you submitting it voluntarily. It will be stored with us based on business and marketing needs of the website and may also be used to process your requests, confirm and verify your credit details, send you promotional offers and it will be assumed that you have accepted this policy before using any of the features.

Please note that you can choose to opt-out of providing information that is collected through express consent and which is not necessary for completing any transaction. The website cannot use the information for any other purpose at a later time without taking express consent of the customer.

Also note that we are not responsible for the sensitive personal information that you may choose to disclose through any other channels such as blogs, newsletters etc.


These are the identifiers which help us analyse our web page flow, promotional effectiveness and customer frequency and these are launched at your web-page and tracks your IP address. Our website may offer certain features only through a ‘cookie’ and they do not compromise with you privacy or security. We request your browser to store cookies or selectively opt-out based on your browser or preferences.

You are free to decline consent to a cookie if your browser permits and disable them, however in such a case you may not be able to use some peculiar features of our website.

Google Analytics

As a third party, Google uses cookies to serve advertisements on our website and links other sites to connect with the users and visitors. You may choose to opt-out of the use of such cookies when prompted by reviewing the Google ad settings page and content network privacy policy.

Use of Demography/other Information

Our website may use your geographical/demographical location for assessing market of the website, legal compliances, troubleshoot problems, collect money and so on. To the extent the information is not mandatory for our works, you have an option of ‘opt-out’ and decline ‘consent’ to the retention or collection of such information.

How is your Information Used?

We wish to secure any and every information that we possess, store, deal or handle and ensure that such information is available according to the lawful contract entered by you by accepting the terms and conditions of this website. We have implemented security policies, rules and technical measures to protect the personal data that we have under our control, in accordance with the laws of the Emirate of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and the applicable federal laws of the United Arab Emirates. The security measures are designed to prevent unauthorized access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorized modification and unlawful destruction or accidental loss.

Use by Children

We do not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 13 and we do not target our websites to children below 13 years of age. Children below the age of 13 years are not supposed to use the content of the website without a guardian/parental consent.

Third-Party Disclosure

We do not disclose your personal/sensitive information except to the third party affiliates who are a necessary party for completing a transaction. For example, your credit information or your ATM details may be shared with the financial contractors of our website who should access it to process your request.

Third party Links

Our website may advertise/share some third party links/connectors as a medium to promote their services/products as an advertisement strategy and we do not disclose any of your personal information including your search history, opinions on our services, surveys conducted, your personal contact details etc with such third parties except on your express approval. These websites may use technological tools such as cookies, JavaScript etc to track your IP and such personal information. However, we do not have access to any of their features and do not guarantee your security against the use of such information by these websites. You may find their respective privacy policy on their websites or you may contact the operator, for which we are not responsible.

We may allow third party to serve advertisements and they may use identifiable information such as browse type, subject of advertisements scrolled over and so on. You may opt-out of providing any information to them.

Exception: The website may disclose your personal information to any third party or non-party in the event: Firstly, when it is requested or required by law or enforcement agencies to disclose some information for prevention of any kind of fraud, punishment of offences or in good faith; Secondly, it is reasonably necessary to protect proprietary or intellectual rights of the website or affiliated third parties and it is being infringed and Thirdly, if you have consented us for any other purpose.

Accessing and Updating Information and Preferences

The users have a choice to update their personal information which they want to disclose to the website and third party affiliates for any purpose. We make continuous efforts to identify any personal or sensitive personal data or information and rectify any defect/deficiency in it. We may deny to process requests that may infringe privacy of others or would be prima facie impractical.

If you want to modify/update your personal information retained in our records, you may write to the Privacy Officer of our Department (address as given in Contact Us page) and such request shall be processed in the seven (7) business days.

Intellectual Property

The content of this website shall not be duplicated/copies/printed/downloaded/transmitted without written prior approval of the operator. Violation of any intellectual property of any product/design/document on the website shall be deemed illegal and appropriate action shall be taken forthwith.

Change in Policy

The website may update and change its privacy policy at its discretion and hence it is strongly suggested that you periodically view the policy before using any of the features of the website.


In case of any grievance regarding the privacy policy, the user/visitor may contact the Privacy officer, at the following address:

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